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A massive op online course (MOOC /m uː k / ) or an op online course is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and op access via the Web.

In addition to traditional course materials, such as filmed lectures, readings, and problem sets, many MOOCs provide interactive courses with user forums or social media discussions to support community interactions among studts, professors, and teaching assistants (TAs), as well as immediate feedback to quick quizzes and assignmts. MOOCs are a widely researched developmt in distance education,

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Early MOOCs (cMOOCs: Connectivist MOOCs) oft emphasized op-access features, such as op licsing of contt, structure and learning goals, to promote the reuse and remixing of resources. Some later MOOCs (xMOOCs: extded MOOCs) use closed licses for their course materials while maintaining free access for studts.

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Before the Digital Age, distance learning appeared in the form of correspondce courses in the 1890s–1920s and later radio and television broadcast of courses and early forms of e-learning. Typically fewer than five perct of the studts would complete a course.

For example the Stanford Honors Cooperative Program, established in 1954, evtually offered video classes on-site at companies, at night, leading to a fully accredited Master's degree. This program was controversial because the companies paid double the normal tuition paid by full-time studts.

The 2000s saw changes in online, or e-learning and distance education, with increasing online presce, op learning opportunities, and the developmt of MOOCs.

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By 2010 audices for the most popular college courses such as "Justice" with Michael J. Sandel and "Human Anatomy" with Marian Diamond were reaching millions.

The OER movemt was motivated from work by researchers who pointed out that class size and learning outcomes had no established connection. Here, Daniel Barwick's work is the most oft-cited example.

Within the OER movemt, the Wikiversity was founded in 2006 and the first op course on the platform was organised in 2007. T-week course with more than 70 studts was used to test the idea of making Wikiversity an op and free platform for education in the tradition of Scandinavian free adult education, Folk High School and the free school movemt.

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The term MOOC was coined in 2008 by Dave Cormier of the University of Prince Edward Island in response to a course called Connectivism and Connective Knowledge (also known as CCK08). CCK08, which was led by George Siems of Athabasca University and Steph Downes of the National Research Council, consisted of 25 tuition-paying studts in Extded Education at the University of Manitoba, as well as over 2200 online studts from the geral public who paid nothing.

All course contt was available through RSS feeds, and online studts could participate through collaborative tools, including blog posts, threaded discussions in Moodle, and Second Life meetings.

Steph Downes considers these so-called cMOOCs to be more "creative and dynamic" than the currt xMOOCs, which he believes "resemble television shows or digital textbooks".

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Other cMOOCs were th developed; for example, Jim Groom from The University of Mary Washington and Michael Branson Smith of York College, City University of New York hosted MOOCs through several universities starting with 2011's 'Digital Storytelling' (ds106) MOOC.

MOOCs from private, non-profit institutions emphasized promint faculty members and expanded existing distance learning offerings (e.g., podcasts) into free and op online courses.

Alongside the developmt of these op courses, other E-learning platforms emerged – such as Khan Academy, Peer-to-Peer University (P2PU), Udemy, and Alison – which are viewed as similar to MOOCs and work outside the university system or emphasize individual self-paced lessons.

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As MOOCs developed with time, multiple conceptions of the platform seem to have emerged. Mostly two differt types can be differtiated: those that emphasize a connectivist philosophy, and those that resemble more traditional courses. To distinguish the two, several early adopters of the platform proposed the terms "cMOOC" and "xMOOC".

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CMOOCs are based on principles from connectivist pedagogy indicating that material should be aggregated (rather than pre-selected), remixable, re-purposable, and feeding forward (i.e. evolving materials should be targeted at future learning).

CMOOC instructional design approaches attempt to connect learners to each other to answer questions or collaborate on joint projects. This may include emphasizing collaborative developmt of the MOOC.

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XMOOCs have a much more traditional course structure. They are characterized by a specified aim of completing the course obtaining certain knowledge certification of the subject matter. They are prested typically with a clearly specified syllabus of recorded lectures and self-test problems. However, some providers require paid subscriptions for acquiring graded materials and certificates. They employ elemts of the original MOOC, but are, in some effect, branded IT platforms that offer contt distribution partnerships to institutions.

The instructor is the expert provider of knowledge, and studt interactions are usually limited to asking for assistance and advising each other on difficult points.

According to The New York Times, 2012 became "the year of the MOOC" as several well-financed providers, associated with top universities, emerged, including Coursera, Udacity, and edX.

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Dnis Yang, Presidt of MOOC provider Udemy, suggested in 2013 that MOOCs were in the midst of a hype cycle, with expectations undergoing a wild swing.

During a prestation at SXSWedu in early 2013, Instructure CEO Josh Coates suggested that MOOCs are in the midst of a hype cycle, with expectations undergoing wild swings.

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Many universities scrambled to join in the "next big thing", as did more established online education service providers such as Blackboard Inc, in what has be called a "stampede". Dozs of universities in Canada, Mexico, Europe and Asia have announced partnerships with the large American MOOC providers.

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The industry has an unusual structure, consisting of linked groups including MOOC providers, the larger non-profit sector, universities, related companies and vture capitalists. The Chronicle of Higher Education lists the major providers as the non-profits Khan Academy and edX, and the for-profits Udacity and Coursera.

The larger non-profit organizations include the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation, the National Scice Foundation, and the American Council on Education. University pioneers include Stanford, Harvard, MIT, the University of Pnsylvania, Caltech, the University of Texas at Austin, the University of California at Berkeley, and San Jose State University.

Related companies investing in MOOCs include Google and educational publisher Pearson PLC. Vture capitalists include Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, New terprise Associates and Andreess Horowitz.

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The first of those courses was Introduction Into AI, launched by Sebastian Thrun and Peter Norvig. rollmt quickly reached 160, 000 studts. The announcemt was followed within weeks by the launch of two more MOOCs, by Andrew Ng and Jnifer Widom. Following the publicity and high rollmt numbers of these courses, Thrun started a company he named Udacity and Daphne Koller and Andrew Ng launched Coursera.

In January 2013, Udacity launched its first MOOCs-for-credit, in collaboration with San Jose State University. In May 2013, the company announced the first tirely MOOC-based master's degree, a collaboration betwe Udacity, AT&T and the Georgia Institute of Technology, costing $7, 000, a fraction of its normal tuition.

The inaugural course, 6.002x, launched in March 2012. Harvard joined the group, ramed edX, that spring, and University of California, Berkeley joined in the summer. The initiative th added the University of Texas System, Wellesley College and Georgetown University.

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In September 2013, edX announced a partnership with Google to develop, a site for non-xConsortium groups to build and host courses. Google will work on the core platform developmt with edX partners. In addition, Google and edX will collaborate on research into how studts learn and how technology can transform learning and teaching. will adopt Google's infrastructure.

Before 2013, each MOOC tded to develop its own delivery platform. EdX in April 2013 joined with Stanford University, which previously had its own platform called Class2Go, to work on XBlock SDK, a joint op-source platform. It is available to the public under the Affero GPL op source licse, which requires that all improvemts to the platform be publicly posted and made available under the same licse.

By November 2013, edX offered 94 courses from 29 institutions around the world. During its first 13 months of operation (ding March 2013), Coursera offered about 325 courses, with 30% in the scices, 28% in arts and humanities, 23% in information technology, 13% in business and 6% in mathematics.

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Udacity offered 26 courses. The number of courses offered has since increased dramatically: As of January 2016, edx offers 820 courses, Coursera offers 1580 courses and Udacity offers more than 120 courses. According to FutureLearn, the British Council's Understanding IELTS: Techniques for glish Language Tests has an rollmt of over 440, 000 studts.

Early cMOOCs such as CCK08 and ds106 used innovative pedagogy (Connectivism), with distributed learning materials rather than a video-lecture format, and a focus on education and learning, and digital storytelling respectively

A number of other innovative courses have emerged. As of May 2014, more than 900 MOOCs are offered by US universities and colleges. As of February 2013, dozs of universities had affiliated with MOOCs, including many international institutions.

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A range of courses have emerged; "There was a real question of whether this would work for humanities and social scice", said Ng. However, psychology and philosophy courses are among Coursera's most popular. Studt feedback and completion rates suggest

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